Saturday, March 4, 2017

Mindlink pt. 3, Wave X edition


In my last two posts, I talked about various ways that Mindlink can be used, and some general staples for list building with Mindlink. In case you don't want to read it, at least three ships and probably Manaroo were the two conclusions I made. I have been flying a lot of Parattanni lately, and have really fallen in love with the Shadowcaster. But, I haven't been a huge fan of Fenn because I feel people are getting really good at tech-ing against him with Gunner/Vader/Kylo/bombs/Swarm leader/Range 2 shots. So, I have been branching out again and have found a really fun squad template with the new Quadjumper in it.

My first attempt was:

  • Asajj Ventress
    • Attanni Mindlink
    • Latts Razzi
  • Sarco Plank
    • Attanni Mindlink
    • Unkar Plutt
    • Pattern Analyzer
    • Spacetug Tractor Array
  • Manaroo
    • Attanni Mindlink
    • Extra Munitions
    • Plasma Torpedoes
    • 4-LOM
    • R4 Agromech
    • Guidance Chips
This is a great platform to learn the Quadjumper on, as it is still giving you a lot of control with Asajj and Manaroo has some teeth. But, after a few games with it, I started realizing that what I really need is a way to truly capitalize on the free tractor beam. I talked with the fine people of Outflank Games about it and have been playing around to some surprising success with


  • Contracted Scout
    • Attanni Mindlink
    • Extra Munitions
    • Proton Torpedoes
    • Boba Fett
    • R4 Agromech
    • Guidance Chips
  • Manaroo
    • Attanni Mindlink
    • Extra Munitions
    • Plasma Torpedoes 
    • 4-LOM
    • R4 Agromech
    • Guidance Chips
  • Consable Zuvio
    • Attanni Mindlink
    • Ketsu Onyo
    • Conner Net
    • Pattern Analyzer
    • Spacetug Tractor Array
This list is probably the most fun that one can have playing X-Wing while still being able to stand against the current meta. I started with K4 and unhinged on Manaroo instead of Ketsu/4-lom/R4, but realized that Zuvio needed something more, and that I was generating so many focuses on Manaroo that R4 would have just refreshed my target lock each time.

The Combo

Okay, the basic combo of this list is that Contracted Scout and Manaroo get target locks from R4 Agromech onto any target. Then, both ships turn around or get in position to launch their torps off next round. Zuvio drops a Conner Net, reverses, and tractor beams. Zuvio probably has a range 1 shot to take, Manaroo fires plasmas, and then the Contracted Scout fires the Proton Torpedo to kill the target or Boba Fett some clutch upgrade off the ship. The ship is also Ion-d so you know where it will be next turn to do it all again if need be. 

My initial thought was this would never work, but it is actually pretty easy in a non PTL meta to know where a ship will be. The best part is that the enemy pretty much has to take out Manaroo or the Scout first, as they have the most points and Zuvio really can't close out a game by himself. That means that Zuvio will have more than one chance to get that Tractor Beam off. Flying Zuvio takes a little getting used to, as you will move after most defenders. But, they are predictable enough to find. He can just walk up to all the 8-9 pilot skill ships and Tractor Beam them before they move. 

Opening Position

If you have read any of my Echo posts, you would know that I am really into having set opening plans. Here is Jankattanni's opening. 

I like to set up the Scout closest to my right most obstacle. Manaroo is just next to the Scout, and Zuvio is facing Manaroo and is along her back edge base.  

Next, I like to do a 2 straight with both ships, and a 2 hard for Zuvio. This speed will change depending on obstacle placement and opponent, but the 2 forward is safe enough to default to. If you do 1 straight, then Zuvio has to do a 1 hard as well. if you do a 3 or 4 straight, Zuvio has to do a barrel roll after the 2 hard.

Next part of my opening is my first engagement. So, lets assume that my opponent rammed in for a R2-3 shot against Manaroo. I'm going to do a 1 bank with the Scout, and a 3 bank with Manaroo & Zuvio. This will hopefully let me push out some munitions onto my opponent.

The next step is the best one. Once your opponent begins to turn around for the reengagement, have your Scout and Manaroo do a 2 white Sloop. The If your formation was tight, the Scout might have to barrel roll to not bump Manaroo. To punish the aggressive 4-white-K turn of the defenders, Zuvio will reveal a reverse maneuver, drop his bomb out his front, and then reverse + Tractor beam the target. There will be like 4 focus tokens and two target locks to divide up as needed during the fight as well.

When done correctly, this formation offers some serious control and very reliable damage to your opponent. Now, the reason why I put Manaroo on the right side is so that she can easily bug out once she starts taking damage toward the top of the mat. 


Triple-D: So, the Swarm Leader Vessery Triple Defenders is very much a thing in my Northern California Meta. I have flown Jankattanni against them a few times, and the match up is hard. That being said, there is a way to play it. The hardest part is that the game usually ends up with one Defender against Zuvio or a low health Scout, and unless all munitions were fired, you probably won't get enough damage out to win the match.  

Pulling the Evade off of Ryad and Delta for the Swarm Leader + Focus + Target Lock Vessery may destroy a Jumpmaster in two rounds, but it also lets you get your munitions off and potentially take out the Delta or Ryad in one round of firing. 

Upsilon builds: With the Empire falling back on Decimators and Upsilon shuttles, there is new life for the U-Boats. It is pretty easy to get the tractor beam off, get one shield at least with Zuvio, blast the rest of them with Manaroo, and then Proton the Hull with the Scout. I need an animation of Boba Fett jumping into the Upsilon to grab Hux while he is mid fanatical speech to Omega Leader. Next turn one of the U-boats can turn and just kill its last health or two with its primary. Because of Ketsu Crew, the shuttle will have no agility for that turn as well. 

That still leaves two munitions, a bomb, and tractor beams for the remaining two ships. 

Raclo: Raclo was widely popular in my local meta before disappearing altogether. The matchup is not great, but there are some things I think you can do to make it better. One is to switch Conner Net for Cluster Mines to try and burn down the Deci faster. The next step would be to try and keep R3 with the U-boats so you could have at least have a chance of not getting Blinded Pilot. With the bomb and Zuvio's R1 shot counting for anywhere between 0-9 damage, you will probable need 2-3 munitions to get the damage out, depending on how the dice are working out. 

P.S. This is where I have been putting with Echo for anyone still trying to run her. Deci just gives pilot skill 0 to anything above an 8, and Echo is free to move about the map as she pleases. 

Parattanni: For this match up, I would honestly say just nuke whoever tries to joust you first. Getting the bomb and tractor beam tokens out will be paramount for getting ahead of the damage curve. I think the hardest part will be not taking out Fenn in one turn, or trying to chase down Asajj to close out the game. 

Take it to a tournament?

My biggest problem with this list as a tournament list is how many points everything is costing. I think if I was to run it at a tournament, I might do something crazy like drop Manaroo down to another Scout and maybe take the cheaper Sarco instead of Zuvio. That being said, the hilariousness drops down drastically by doing so.