So, now that we have some downtime after regionals, I wanted to start building an original list for casual play and some store tournaments. At regionals I fell in love with Palpatine, and for the last few weeks I have been playing with the Whisper, Yorr, Omega Leader list. I absolutely love flying the phantom, having Yorr to take my stress, and using whisper. I have not been such a fan of Omega Leader. Don't get me wrong, I think he just might have one of the scariest ship abilities in the game, but I'm just not the best with him being my second ace. So, I have been branching out into other territories to use what I do love: Palp shuttle of any kind and the Phantom. What I realized from my play style is that I like to knife fight a lot more than other Palp Ace players on the initial pass.
Luckily for me, Imperial Veterans was just released. And, with the release, I have been most excited about The Countess.
specifically, I was interested in this build with The Countess. She is able to be tanky enough to survive an initial joust and has enough repositioning tools to still be able to knife fight well. The problem is that Whisper and The Countess at this build is simply far too many points. So, I need to find cards I can trim off to be able to make this work.
Sad to see it go, but I took off PTL and Twin Ion Engine off of Ryad. Instead, I will just put Veteran instincts on her for 33 points. I am going Veteran Instincts because of all the Glaives out there, Bro Bots, etc.
Whisper, stripped of my beloved Agent Kallus, still costs far too much to field with this list. So, I am switching her for Echo. Here comes Echo! here is a solid guide to playing Echo if you haven't
Echo is going to bring lots of potential for knife fighting because of her insane decloaking.
Major weaknesses of this list: Stress bot or Tactician will wreck Echo without Yorr to bail her out. also, PS 9 and up will destroy any of these ships 1v1. I do have unpredictability on my side, but that doesn't add to much without a wingman.
Strengths: Every ship has at least two shields. For Palp Aces, that is a pretty tanky team. The positioning and arc direction of my aces is unpredictable. Palpatine saves me from blanking out once a round. Every ship has 3 or higher natural attack.
General Strategies: My goal is pretty simple with this list. After a joust, I want my opponent to not 100% know where I am going next turn, and use that knowledge to set up advantageous extended jousts. Remember, these are not arc dodgers, and I will not be getting stressed every turn, so it is not safe to assume I will be doing the Inquisitor 1 hard or Soontir 2 hard.
General Strategies: My goal is pretty simple with this list. After a joust, I want my opponent to not 100% know where I am going next turn, and use that knowledge to set up advantageous extended jousts. Remember, these are not arc dodgers, and I will not be getting stressed every turn, so it is not safe to assume I will be doing the Inquisitor 1 hard or Soontir 2 hard.
Possible variants: Veteran Instincts can be switched for adaptability on Ryad, and then have a 2 point bid or int agent on Echo. I would love for Kallus for Echo, but that would mean making ryad 6 and going up to 100 points.
Anyway, there is still a lot about this list that is uncertain, but I think it has potential.
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